Best Round Pizza Open Near me in Brooklyn NYC

It is quite often that our midnight cravings get the better of us and we end up going on our google search bar and very quickly typing the words pizza open near me or pizza to order near me. Well, we at BK pizza have the perfect solution to your midnight hunger since we bring to you the best pizzas in town, freshly baked, hot out of the oven 365 degrees round pizza.

Pizza open near me:

We all know that during the lockdown we have been unable to dine out by going to our favorite restaurants and have had to avail the option of ordering in. Whether is just a slice of pizza open near me or an entire pizza, BK pizza is happy to deliver its’ fresh product at your doorstep, or alternatively, you could pick it up from any of our outlets.

Whether you are hosting a party of colleagues or close friends, it will always be incomplete without a pizza party; after all, who doesn’t love a cheesy, meaty bite of pizza at a party. Whether you are arranging a mid-day party or a midnight one, you can always search up pizza open near me now and BK pizza will happy to serve you and your friends, and we might just make your evening a lot more special than it already was—*wink wink*.

Pizza near me cheap:

Ordering pizza in recent times has become expensive but we can assure you that we offer the most affordable and fair pricing rates at BK pizza. What matters most is the value for money that a particular product has and trust us when we say that once you take a bite of our freshly baked hot pizza, you will be more than willing to pay double the amount and will find yourself going on the google search engine just the next day and yet again typing in the words pizza open near me: such is the power of our ravishing delight.


For some customers, the shape of the pizza is what matters the most and we are more than excited to inform you that our pizza, just like all humans, comes in all shapes, forms, and sizes. For those of you who like it round—the pizza of course—our chefs prepare a perfectly round dough to fulfill your cravings. Round shaped pizza was the original shape in which pizza was invented.


Whenever we end up looking for a pizza open near me, we always want the widest variety of flavors to offered and that is exactly what our customers get at BK pizza.

Loaded Cheese Pizza:

pizza near me

veggie Round Pizza:

pizza near me

Loaded Pepperoni:

pizza near me

Jalapeno Chicken Round Pizza:


pizza near me


—you name it and we will provide you with the best of that kind of flavor.

It is famously known that our pizza customers love our product just as much as Joey Tribbiani from FRIENDS used to love pizza. When thinking about a slice of pizza open near me, our customers don’t only look to order from us, but they often end up sleeping alongside our empty pizza boxes in their bed. We have heard stories where our customers loved our pizza to such an enormous extent that they found themselves unable to get up and wash the dishes afterward; they just slept only to find themselves waking up next to an empty pizza box.


The next time you host a party for your colleagues, or have your family over for the holidays or are planning a special night in with a loved one, always remember to do one simple task—search up the words pizza open near me and we will deliver to you the best pizza you and your friends have ever had. Not only that, but ordering pizza is convenient since our large pizza boxes ensure that you don’t have to waste any crockery and can eat directly out of the box—after all where is the fun in eating pizza sophisticatedly?

We can guarantee you, once your party is over, your guests will return to your house every weekend just because of the absolutely delicious food you fed them, and when they do, don’t hesitate in ordering a large round freshly baked hot out of the oven cheese pizza.

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